Attended BU 1969-1971. Took a year off from school and worked in Boston. Moved to Maine in 1971 and never left. Graduated from University of Southern Maine with a BA in Economics in 1975. Married in 1976 and entered the retail fine-art business in 1977, operating two art galleries, one in Camden Maine and one in Portland. Concurrently began a retail ice-cream business in Camden in 1989. Started an art publishing business in 1992, publishing note cards and related products ( Entered politics in Maine in 2002, winning a seat in the House of Representatives. Served three terms as a moderate Republican with a focus on economic development and education. Attended Kennedy School of Government on a Brooks Fellowship, summer 2006. Served in Maine Senate 2008-2012. Currently a Regional Representative for Independent US Senator Angus King of Maine, serving him along the coast from Edgecomb to Calais Maine. Happy to hear from classmates...keep in regular touch with Chris Pahud who keeps me grounded in my old home town.