Missing Classmates

Not all of the Classmates on this list are missing.  We have old obsolete addresses for some of these folks.  A few on this list have received  the same messages about our Reunions and this web site as you have.   If their name is included on this list, it only means they have not logged into our web site yet, they have not created a profile and we don't know how to encourage them to do so.    We have discovered there are some old school friends that simply don't want to get involved.  We respect their privacy and wish them well.

For those of you willing to help please consider sending a message to anyone on this list.   The Reunion Committee appreciates any help you can provide.  Our goal is to include as many classmates as possible. 

Linda Alessi Dery
Laura Alessi Newak
Linda Anderson Bader
Elaine Anzivino
John Attardi
Deborah Babcock
Patricia Bagley
Ed Baker
Glen Baldelli
Laurel Barber
John Barrett
James Barry
Beverly Belding
Lynda Billings
Glenn Birkett
Cynthia Bradford
Rick Braun
Deborah Briggs
Nancy Briggs
Barry Brown
Vin Brown
Jane Brown Downs
David Bunce
Robert Butler
Dan Callahan
Janice Campbell
Stephen Campbell
Diane Capone Wells
Tom Carlton
Deborah Carnesciali
Ann Caulton
Gina Cintolo
William Clark
Barbara Coggeshal Evans
Claudia Conte (O'Malley)
Paul Cooper
Marcia Costa Lieberman
Cynthia Cramer
Susan Cronin
Bob Crowell
Mary Cunnane Hickey
Susan Davis Lurgio
Janis Day Sorensen
Christine Delaney Caunt
June Dermarderosian
Gary Dettman
Kathy Dodge Sasserville
Craig Dolan
Patti Donoghue Lang
Christine Donovan Graber
Nancy Doyle Irwin
Charles Duncan
Dan Dustin
James Farrell
Nancy Ferriter Regan
Karen Fitzgerald
Vincent Flanagan (Jr. )
Gerry Flynn
Edith Fredericks
Dilys Friend
Patricia Fucci Kennedy
Gail Gabriele
Ed Gagnon
Joe Gardner
Debbie Genova
John Gerry
Rick Gillens
David Glotfelty
Allen Goldsheid
David Harrington
Kathy Hasenfuss Jusseaume
Linda Hawkins Papia
Paul Hersey
Clarine Holley
Theodore Hotz
Denise Howard Tailby
Barbara Hurley
Susan Hutchins
Duncan Isherwood
Joan Jantzen
Susan Jefferson
Marcia Jewett
Irene Jozefowicz
Dorothy Karalekas Whalen
Linda Katseff
Bob Kelley
Allan Kelly
Jean Kirby
Nancy Klein Perry
Edward Kneale
Nancy Landall
Norma Landall
Tom Lannon
Claude Laplante
Susan Leblanc Berejik
Patti Lee
Vicki Lee
Richard Leighton
Curt Logan
James Loughlin
Richard Lovering
John Lowe
Russell Lugton
Laura Lunardo
Kevin K. MacDonald
Richard MacDonald
Karen MacGuinnis Blanchard
Laurel MacKinnon
Nancy Mahler Broadley
Janice Maloney Hill
Dennis Maloomian
John Mara
Robert Marshall
Andrew Martin
Christopher Martin
Stephanie Martin Kaplin
Hugh McCurtin
William McGaffigan
Curtis Megson
Maureen Micali
Marie Middleton Strain
Joseph Misite
Jim Mullen
Dennis Murphy
Michael Newman
Peter Nixon
Maurice Nobles (Jr. )
Daniel O'Shea
Cathy O'Shea Marr
Philip Patrone
Douglas Pellegrini
Jim Phelps
Stephen Porreca
Susan Powers
Carol Puza
Carol Reddington
William Regan
Gerry Ricciardelli
Beverly Rich Richardson
Richard Ridgway (Jr. )
Ellen Rittenberg
Lee Roberts Falevicz
Lois Robinson
Kenneth Rogers
Janice Rollins Hlavaty
John Rosenfeld
Mary Rubinate
James Ryan
Bruce Sanborn
Patricia Searle Adams
Jeff Silva
Beth Snyder
Deborah Sobell
Richard Sparks
Michael Speen
Paul Stefanowicz
Steve Stepanek
Stuart Stone
Christina Stratton
Brian Sullivan
Janice Sullivan
Kevin Sullivan
Judy Sweeney (Cahn)
Peter Sweeney
Jackie Thomas
Joanne Thomas Coombs
Joe Tierney
Elizabeth Tinkham Fougere
Douglas Townsend
Tom Tracey
Janet Tracy Yered
Bill Trafidlo
Leonard Trieber
John Turney
Gary Vallely
Robert Vanelli
Nancy Walker Killian
Glenn Walters
Jeanne Waska Horne
Cindy Watson
John Weaver
David Weeton
Jeffrey Welch
Roger Whiteman
Douglas Wills
Beth Woodbury Harrington
Cindy Worthen Vascale
Bruce Wright
Michael Wright
James Yardley
John Zimmerman
Karen Zola